Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Very Merry Un-Earthday...to You!

Pssst, Hi....
Happy Belated Earth Day earthlings..... 
               "Tree Hugger Day",
                            "Save the Earth Day"
                                           .......or whatever you want to call it. But you wanna know what...I believe every day should be "Earth Day" in a way that we preserve and take care of the earth that God has so graciously given us. No we can't exactly stop "global warming" or save the homes of my beloved polar bears BUT we can make a difference in our community (and now I sound like a Disney Channel commercial). Anyways, today I asked my students for their homework to go outside and take in the natural beauty of our earth and write a paragraph about it. I challenge you to do that also, but you don't have to write me a paragraph. =)

It's been an interesting week in the world of middleschoolteacher-ness. Needless to say, a LOT has been going on. We have been "sweating out loud" on a few things, we have also been "remanascan" (reminiscing) on the past and the fun/crazy/awkward moments we've had, and taking in the all natural "beautiful-ol-ol-ol-ol" world around us. Our students have inspired us to give it ALL we've got, even when our Monster Energy (Rehab) is out of our system. We even learned that RSVP means to respond to the party that invited you, with a REASON why you can't make it. Therefore, we have tied this knowledge into our curriculum. SYSWE, Support your stance with evidence as to why you can't make it to the particular event you were asked to attend. 

*Quotes above from actual students mouths, in real life scenarios, in a very serious manner. 

Ok, so to wrap this up I would like to display a special song (actually my favorite song) by Needtobreathe, in honor of Earth Day and the beautiful world in which we live. 

"UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing's going to change, it's not." -The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

Monday, April 22, 2013

Embrace Your Awesomeness

"Embrace your AWESOMENESS" has been the theme of Ms. Thomas' LA class, we have overall had some highly intriguing discussions as we journey into the land of Awesomeness. However, I also wanted to share with the blognation a few quotes that have really been seriously thought about and analyzed in our class.

First of all, my kids have taught me that:
-Everyone is awesome, we simply need to find what we are awesome in and truly embrace it.
-Once we embrace it, we need to release it and show the world how awesome we are!
-We were born to be AWESOME!

We also analyzed this video and discussed some things that can make our world even more awesome!

"We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience which we really stop to look fear in the face...we must do that which we think we cannot." -Elanor Roosevelt

"Define your limits, don't let your limits define you. Believe you are limitless and you will be." - Rob Dyrdek