Monday, March 26, 2012

Life Lessons Learned When Walking a Great Pyrenees Mix

When walking a Great Pyrenees mix named Smokey, you can learn many things like:

1. Ant hills must feel somewhat awesome to a dog's paw, cuz Smokey stepped in 4.

2.  Afternoon walks with a Pyrenees mix is quite stress relieving........until he finds a scent, then my arm is nearly jerked out of socket!

3. You can find half a hamburger patty in the middle of the road if you smell hard enough.

4. Mud puddles are apparently the best water a dog's ever had, full of vitamins and minerals...A dog's Vitamin Water!

5. Stopping every few seconds to "mark your territory" is a MUST, and will NOT and shall NOT be avoided at any cost. Also covering up your "territory" is a MUST by digging up half the Earth to cover up your smell you just created.

6. Having one way conversations with your dog will NOT make him walk "civilized" or go where you want him to go.

7. Chihuahua's can be quite intimidating when they cannot be seen to a Great Pyrenees mix.

8. The winterized pool is the best place to go after a tiresome evening walk, there a Great Pyrenees mix can get unchlorinated water, and the water is extremely cool to it's belly.

More serious moments:
9. Walking on a quiet street, when the sky is turning pink, and the sun is going down is when I have my most quiet moments with God.

10. Every time I walk down the hill from my house I relive the moments when I retraced blood splatter all the way up the hill into the woods from where my former German Shepherd Zeke had been bit by a timber rattler, and ran off to find comfort in the creek. That night I learned a very valuable life lesson, never take any life for granted. We rushed him to the emergency vet in Greensboro, but the vet said the damage was too severe.

Quote of the Day:

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

Friday, March 23, 2012

Figurative Fiascoes

Well needless to has been a l...o...n...g week! However, after our Student of the Month assembly this morning, Meredith and I decided to put a little Figurative Language Fiasco together! Now, when we put video's together for our students to learn from at the Very. Last. Minute there are bound to be a few blunders to begin with. In our defense, it was still early in the morning, and I hadn't had my energy drink this is the result...

Blunder #1

Blunder #2

Now, the real deal (See how much figurative language you can find!):

Today was quite a day to say the least, but we LOVE what we do!

Quotes of the day: **Shout out to Meredith Sneed** aka my partner in crime!

"It sounded like the train was about to roll through the classroom" -Meredith Sneed

"Thomas, I'm terribly twisted and torn on this terrific, ticklish Tuesday in Troy" -Meredith

"Thomas, we've got to do this now...we've got like 2 minutes before class...Now, start over...she's so old, what?"

"The lawnmower backfired, something like that would only happen with those MoCo people"

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Things to Remember When Teaching 6th Grade

Things to remember when teaching 6th grade:

*These are things I learned just yesterday, that I thought I would share with the world of middle school teachers!

1. Pray before reading scary reading passages.
Story: With my 6th grade students we always ask them to use RUNS strategies when taking a reading comprehension test: R: Read the questions first, U: Underline key words, N: Number the paragraphs, and S: Select the best answer. 

So...I asked a boy to read the R.L. Stine reading passage today in class, so he started to read as asked. Then I interrupted him by saying, "WAITTT", really loud. I then said, "We totally forgot to do something first" (which would be read the questions first). The boy that had now stopped reading said, "Ohh I know...We forgot to pray first". It was quite hilarious at the moment, but how true that is in our Christian lives. We often forget to pray and ask the Lord's guidance about the simplest things in life before doing them. The boy then precedes to tell me that he prays everytime before reading scary stories. I learn so much from my students...even spiritually!

2. Know the military's flight schedule before taking your class outside to read a book.
Story: I took my classes outside to read a very serious/heart felt book on Holocaust survivors. In the middle of our seriousness, the military flies their really loud planes over our school. My teacher "wing it at the last minute" mind thought..."here's a teaching moment". Therefore, this is what I tell them, "These planes are flying over your school in order for you to get the full effect of how it sounded in Germany when the Holocaust was taking place"... "The military is doing this for you so you can use your senses and feel and hear this real life effect". Now, they are 6th graders so some of them believed me while some of them didn't.

3. Statistics show that 98% of faculty and staff at SWRMS put on turn signals before entering a parking place.
Story: A co-worker of mine randomly took a poll (while we were on an important mission) on how many staff members actually do this, after another co-worker actually did do this in real life.

4. Contrary to popular belief, when Fox 8 News comes to your school, they're not there to interview the hosts of the ThomaSneed Show.
Story: Fox 8 came to SWRMS today (I first was a little worried they were there to interview Meredith and I, the host of the ThomaSneed Show...the newest and hottest YouTube sensation). Anyway, I had to tell my students to act normal and get in line. However, they wanted to be seen so....yeah.
Above is the actual video. I am seen in it with my students walking up the hall from lunch.

5. Telling personal stories about your Mustang going 0-80 in about half a second will get the students engaged  and quiet 100%.
Story: We were discussing hyperboles. As you know, hyperboles are over exaggerations and obviously it is not possibly to go 0-80 in .5 seconds. However, MY students think it's possible (in my car); therefore, discontinuing the theory of hyperbole with this statement. I told them it could only have a possible chance of happening with nitrous boost, but I won't go into that story.

Oh and 6. Statistics show that 100% of all teachers in the entire world (including the US, and NC) are ready for Spring Break!

Needless to say, I LOVE what I do!

I also enjoyed revival this week! It was such a blessing!

Quotes of the Day:

“It’s a strange book and I’m inside it. So I’m trying to pin down the details about the the plot in this book. The one where I’m the protagonist in a plot much larger than I am. A book that I can’t simply put down when I’m frustrated. With no bookmark, no remote control. The pages write themselves with very little effort of my own. And yet I’m in there. I’m written into the book.” -J Foreman

“If we spend our time obsessing with the future or regretting the past, then we will never live. Tomorrow will always be tomorrow and yesterday cannot be changed.” -J Foreman

“Well, the funny thing is, you are never the same person that you were the day before.” -J Foreman

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Marvelous Middle Mania

Let me start out by saying, the world of Education is a very interesting place. There is NEVER a dull moment in any part of a given school day! Therefore, I found this random website to invite a whole new light onto the subject of Education. It is quite amusing and I picked out the ones that applied specifically to my life.

You may be in Education if:

1. You find humor in other people's stupidity.
2. You give the person an evil look who says, "Must be nice to work 8-3 and
have your summers free."
3. You believe chocolate is a food group.
4. You can tell if it's a full moon without ever looking outside.
 6. You believe the unspeakable evils will befall you if anyone says, "Boy,
the kids are sure mellow today."
7. When out in public, you feel the urge to snap your fingers at a child.
8. You have no time for a life from August through June.
9. Putting all "A's on a report card would make your life SO much easier.
10. You think caffeine should be available to staff in IV form.
11. Your personal life comes to a screeching halt at report card time.

You may be a Middle School Teacher if:

.... you know what the ventilation fan in your room sounds like when whirling small objects, usually folded paper or wrappers
... you tell subtle jokes in class just to see those few smiles of the ones that catch on

... you clean desks yourself just to keep the place looking nice and to help your own morale Might be in Education

Quote of the Day:
Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
John Dewey

Read more:

Monday, March 19, 2012

Comfort in Rainbows

Today was the day...that I had to break out the Rainbows. You see, when you're a sixth grade teacher with approx. 120 students and teach 5 classes you have to go for comfort. It has been seemingly hot in my room these past few days as well.  Therefore, comfort, skirts, and Rainbows are at its upmost importance in 602 Cougartown.

Now, along with comfort it is also very important for me to be well awake when my bright eyed and bushy tailed students walk in. I don't know why, but Monday's mornings are their most exciting time of the entire week. I really don't understand this. Times surely have changed since I have been in school.  However my point is, I totally forgot my V8 Fusion Energy drink this morning and...yeah.

I would have to admit the very best part of my entire day was revival at church tonight with Bro. Beaver. It is truely a blessing to have him with us this week!

I am also very excited that the Spring solstice is in two days. Peace out Winter....What up Spring!

Quote of the Day:
"Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world". ~Virgil A. Kraft

When discussing me going under a yellow light in the middle of MoCo:
          "That girl went 0-80 in about half a second"

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Epic Fiascoes

It's been forever, a year, and a half of a decade since I have created a blog post. The reason for that is because I have been so incredibly busy. I have workshops, and so much stuff going on after school. I even have been walking my dog Smokey when I get home from school which is a big step in my life. I am discovering, ever so slowly a healthier lifestyle which includes an evening stroll with my Pyranese mix.

Reason number two is that my partner in crime and I have been creating a short video for our students every Friday called the ThomaSneed Show. However, in order for this to come together and avoid an epic fiasco, we have to put a lot of time into it during the week.  This week, we had the ThomaSneed Show all together when Meredith got home and discovered four video clips weren't there. The making of an epic fiasco.  So...I traveled to L.A (if you're not from around these parts, LA stands for Lower Asheboro), went into my school /room super quick in the dark to get my news reporter microphone (aka a pink zebra taped flashlight), and went to Meredith's house to re-tape our videos. I stayed there until 11:30 that night and here is the result:

We have disabled a lot of the setting with this video; therefore, it won't let me post directly from YouTube. However, you may simply click on the link and it will take you directly to it!

Now, before you judge us you should know that we love our students. We would do absolutely anything for you can see!

History of ThomaSneed Show: happened completely by accident. We were totally goofing off in my room one day and video taped our silliness and decided to show it to our students one Friday.  IT WAS A HIT! Now, we do it every week and we are currently finished Episode #3 which includes all the teachers I come in contact with on a daily basis. We make the show relevant to what we are studying that week. This week, we were studying emotions and poetry. The students live for Friday now more than ever!

Last night I also had the pleasure of going to see two of my students in their play, "Twinderella". Super cute fractured fairytale. Immediately after the show, they bolted through the crowd to see Meredith and I!! It is moments like that, when I am extremely glad more than ever to be a teacher. When I know I have made an impact on a kids life simply by attending their performance, or game, or band concert, or church play. They love it!!!

Quotes of the Day:

Before we about walked in or had an epic fiasco:
                     "Wait.....that's not the women's bathroom" -Meredith

At Chili's: "Those little kids are going into the kitchen" -Ashley Thomas

"It's a little chili here at Chili's" -Ashley Thomas

"I'm locking the doors, we are really in the city now" -Meredith

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Color Coordi-Nation

While discussing style and trends on the way to lunch with my fabulous and trendsetting mentor Meredith today, we discovered that America is all about some color coordination, style, fashions, etc. According to American folk, if you don't match aka color coordinate then you're not stylish. We don't believe such nonsense. However, I try to color coordinate whenever I see fit.

If you don't know me, I am known (especially by my students of 4th and 6th grade) for my scarves, watches, and belts (that I wear on the outside of my shirt). This is just a simple way to color coordinate with pretty much anything. A scarf always dresses up the occasion, which in my profession is necessary when needed to look professional when readiness time is scarce in the A.M.

On my search for stylish behaviors, I found some samples of what I would totally wear:
An American Eagle Scarf, cutest ever seen

Rubberish type watch, exclusively at Rue 21
I would totally wear this belt on the outside of a shirt to give it a more Western effect, American Eagle.

Now, is this the style of America today you may ask? Probably not. However, this doesn't matter to me, because this is MY style.

I have also noticed on my search for fashion that Maurices color coordinates everything. They also put cute outfits together simply for you to say, "That is the cutest outfit like ever" you try it on...and you end up buying it. Happens to me a lot!!! This store has also helped me understand America's trends and fashion style of today. However, I do not agree with some of the ugliness that America thinks is "cute", "hot", or "whatever else they want to call it". It is also extremely rare that I find a skirt/dress that is decent to wear to school or church in stores today, but Maurices has that sort of appropriateness I am seeking.

The color that seems to be "IN" this year as well as last year is an orangish color. I recently bought the shirt shown because of it's seemingly cute behavior it portrays and professionality. Therefore, I can wear it to school. 
Cap Sleeve Ruffle Front Top -
Smart Shadow Stripe Boot Cut Dressy Pants -
The shirt above with these pants will be color coordination!!
As you can see on my search for fashion knowledgeability, I have picked up a few tips from Maurices. This is the best place to go for professionality.

This Color Coordi-NATION will simply have to wait for me to catch up!

Quote of the Day:
"The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years."
— Audrey Hepburn

Monday, March 5, 2012

Laughed So Hard I Cried!

Contemplating on the things that really make my day, I thought back to a few moments that have happened in the past month that made me laugh so hard I cried. To some of you this may be complete and total nonsense, because some of them are inside jokes with my friends. However, you could possibly get a giggle or even a laugh out of a few of them even if they were, "you had to be there moments".

10 things that made me laugh so hard I cried:

1. To avoid confrontation and conversation with Big Boy, my partner in crime and I deliberately forced ourselves into a conversation that goes something like this (and is 100% fiction, which in Cougartown means false) "So our students have been sent to Duke University and the toxicity report through radiation therapy along with spicy chocolates which have resulted in the possibility of lawsuits covered by the school system...due to rashes and break outs." (Yes, we do know this is a run on sentence. However, the great need to avoid Big Boy constitutes such ungrammatical behavior!)

2. Traffic circles in Randleman. (They are quite scary to some people, and "some people" just continue to go around and around and around and around and yeah….you get the picture…)

3. "I am going to fly out to Raleigh/Durham International Airport from the Biscoe Airport, with my $20 plane ticket while taking an overhead tour of the Randolph Mall turning lane strategies” (btw, there’s a lot of room to turn, like 3,000 ft.)

4. “Let’s go rent a pizza”.

5. The airing of our pilot episodes of ThomaSneed to our 6th grade students, which includes Abicizer and Shinicizer workout chairs (aka, your average game chairs).

6. Scaling down the hallways at our school Charlie’s Angels style while verbally singing the Mission Impossible theme song going to sign out in the afternoons.

7.  When a student tells me I am in violation of "Rule #3" because I have dirt on the whites of my converse.  Then he precedes to spit shine my shoes for me.

8. Tractor Supply has officially been voted the #1 turnaround spot for any traffic complications on East Dixie Drive.

9. Serenading with “Stereo Hearts” while we have suspicions of possible drug exchanges going down in South Asheboro.

10. Giving the cockiest math teacher on the face of the universe, Brett, a ticket on his hot rod Kia from Duke Energy explaining that his trees would be cut down at no cost to him. After we commit this heinous crime, Meredith drives off while I get stuck behind (I was plugging in my iPod) and Brett comes walking up to my car before I could pull off…which totally ruined the element of surprise. However, he had no idea it was us!

11. Here's an extra just for kicks....(in the car in the mall parking lot with Meredith) "Don't make eye contact!....Wait, is he holding a baby?...Still, don't make eye contact"

And that concludes the top 10 moments that I laughed so hard I cried =)

Random Quotes of the Day:

*This is a shout out to my "partner in crime" Meredith who always comes up with some silly madness like this....(I know they're crazy quotes, but this is how we keep our sanity in Crazytown)

"If you don't pee your pants you simply haven't had your FDA recommended dose of liquids for the day."
-Jon Foreman

"Happiness is like peeing your pants. Everyone can see it but only you can feel the warmth!"
-Tim Foreman

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Flavorful Pink!

You would be surprised what you can find when you're aimlessly walking around Wal-Mart. While on my search for nothingness, I came across some awesomely amazing cookie mix that caught my full undivided attention.....PINK LEMONADE cookie mix, with PINK LEMONADE icing! Blew. Me. Away!

Elizabeth Menzel helped inspire the name for this blog, so in the spirit of PINK LEMONADE I decided to have a cookie party to kick this PINK LEMONADE blog off right.  On the best side of things these cookies were PINK. Those of you who may not know me well, may not know the fact that I take sides with PINK on everything! Therefore, making these cookies pretty legit!

Here is a glimpse my PINK LEMONADE baking party...THE actual event...


Fresh out of the oven!

The entire batch of PINK LEMONADE deliciousness!

After church is when this party took place. This was a pretty intense day of baking these PINK delights in the midst of grading papers and making informational, entertaining, and persuasive turtle videos in order to review author's purpose with my students tomorrow.

NOW...the blog can officially start...

Quote of the Day:

“Because of Christ, we have a reason to have the faith to keep pressing on when the storms in life come. When the storms come, we have to be prepared to face them by having a solid foundation rooted in God’s word.” -Tim Foreman


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Craziness in Cougartown

Yesterday was "Fun Friday" in Cougartown.  My partner in crime and I have decided to start a sit-com weekly series to entertain our students as a behavior reward.  I wish to show you our pilot epsisodes that started our day off....the kids LOVED it!!!  However, the vid's won't upload...typical. 

We have decided to call our weekly sit-com "ThomaSneed", and plan to make one every week in order to show our students how we really act...after school. Again, this is simply a behavior incentive. Don't worry, we are educational people! We have already started planning for next week's "ThomaSneed" show. Let's just say it has something to do with "Stereo Hearts" and a sports car. I'll leave it at that! 

Quote of the day:
In honor of Dr. Seuss' 108th birthday (yesterday)
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
 - Dr. Seuss