Saturday, April 28, 2012

"Noodles are the Keys to Success"

When you have the life of a 6th grade LA teacher, you will hear All. Kinds. Of. Things. Some things I hear, make me laugh so hard I start crying. Other things, I'm just thinking, "What in the world?". However, I love what I do, and the people I work with every day make life so wonderful! These are just a few things I have heard this week alone, some from students and some from college friends......

My favorite quotes of the week:

#1-To his fill in drummer of the band: "Yeah, I'm talking to my friend Ashley Thomas, yeah...she's so awesome if she were a firework, she'd be the most brightest, biggest, and most beautifullest one that lit up the sky" -Isaac Vigil.

#2-Student:"Ms. Thomas, I can't say 'stastistics'".
Me: "Yes you can...say 'sta-tis-tics'...go..
Student: :"Sta-stistics"
Me: "Now say it five times fast"

#3-Me: If you need a No. 2 pencil, please tell me now...
Student: Wait, I have a No. 3 pencil (I'm thinking, "are there really such things as No. 3 pencils?")
Other student: Whaaattt??? Oh wait, he sure does Miss.

#4-"Statistics show the ThomaSneed show is boring, yeah...that's what you would say in an ALTERNATIVE universe!"

#5-"So, your car totally made me change my mind about Mustangs, I want your car...wana sell it?!!!"
               -Sears dude that changed my oil.

#6-"Hey Ms. Thomas guess what?... my dad caught a dolphin, the fish kind not the kind that goes hehehehe" (I'm like "Thanks for the clarification")

#7-"Over Spring Break, my friends and I wrote songs....However, I cannot verify these songs because we haven't make them ready for the republic yet."

#7(Setting: in the middle of the road, right beside a pasture)
-Meredith: "Look at da baby cows...Hey wittle cows, how areshu? Ur so cute yes you are, yesss you are"..........

#8-Student doing a dance yelling at the top of his lungs: "It'sss calleddd the Calllifforrrniaaa Shhhufffflleee"

#9-"Ms. Thomas, it's really dark the world gona end?" -Student

#10-Me to my student: "Did you really just take that popsicle in the bathroom with you?.....Really?"
 Student: "uhh, yeahh"
Im thinking, "What in the world?"

ThomaSneed Episode 7:
EOG test tips--
#11-"Noodles are the keys to success"

#12-"Absolutely...mmm yeah"

#13-"EOG test tip #1 is to breathe in 7.38276953 times deeply before taking the EOG"

#14-"A good breakfast to eat before EOG's is oatmeal............with noodles and maple syrup".

#15-"Never lay your head down during an EOG...if you do, you brain will completely cut off, therefore you will not be able to finish the EOG"

#16-"Breathing 7.38869392 times before the EOG, will help you get a 3.782873821 on the EOG"

All of the past 6 quotes comes from the beginning of the episode below! Chek it!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Learning from Cousins

I love holidays! They are a time for getting together with family, catching up on where they've been since Christmas, and setting a new world record for kite flying. However, I always learn new things about myself every time I am with this family of  mine. You see, I live in a small county and I see my family every so often (even if we do live approx 15 miles from each other), but there's nothing like having all the family together at once! I'm tellin ya folks, there is Never. A. Dull. Moment.

Things that made Easter Sunday Great:
1. Had a packed row at church of nothing but family members.
2. Tried to set the world record for kite flying with my cousins ages 3-35.
3. Learned that since I'm a teacher, I can apparently read minds (according to my 6 yr old cuz's).
4. Got to visit Bro. Edwin's Sunday School class (with my cousins).
5. I know He is Risen!

Things I Learned from my Cousins:
*These are just a few things I learned from my cousins this past weekend alone; I'm just saying family get together are always a learning experience for me!
Teachers are mind readers: Haleigh says to me, "You're a teacher, read her mind and tell me if she's gonna throw that ball at Jewel". I say, "No...She's not", and Haleigh says, "Cool, thanks". Finally, her mind was at ease!

Mayo is REAL: Stone says in the midst of our most vital search for mayo in Randleman Food Lion, "If this is Real Mayo, then what does Fake Mayo look like?" I replied with, "Hmm, that's a good question". Folks, our minds are still baffled by this!

World Record of Kite Flying: the world record for the highest kite ever flown is over 12,000 ft. We (all cousins ages 3-35) thought we had it beat with our 1,400ft. (14 football fields away) kite we had to cut loose because it was so far away that you could even see it from the Food Lion in Biscoe, NC... no joke.

Ultimate kite flying is where you have to have binoculars to see the kite!

Maximum Capacity of a Mustang: My cousin Caitlin and Jewel crammed in my Mustang to go to church with me. We were quite cramped to say the least, but it worked. A Mustang is not a passenger vehicle we soon found out. It is for two people...maybe!

How Fast a Mustang Will Go: When your middle school cousin first of all ask to drive your car, don't let her. Especially, when it's already been in the body shop twice.  Also, when she wants to know how fast you Mustang will go, don't test it! It's not worth it! I haven't been crazy enough lately to test either of these theories...and I don't want to!

Boring Ole Statue Places Can Turn into Quite an Adventure:  My cousin Margie and I sent shopping at the statue place for some amazing concrete benches in Rockingham. We ended up with some pretty interesting pieces, including a statue of a Boston Terrier. However, we both felt the presence of gnomes. This led me to wonder if the gnomes and other statues come alive at night!?

When Your Cousin Asks You to Take Her to Walmart, use EXTREME CAUTION: When your 6th grade cousin asks for a ride to Walmart to get two bouncy balls, beware of extreme nonsense! LOL, We always know how to have a good time in public places!

My uncles dog Buddy telling me a secret no one else knows!

 Favorite Quotes of the Day: “Sticking with your family is what makes it a family.”-Mitch Albom

“Jesus Christ’s mercy and power indwells us and gives us the strength to make a positive difference.” -Jon Foreman

“Entropy is one of the laws of thermodynamics. It’s a physical law that says everything in nature is moving from order to disorder. In our lives this same principle is at work. As time moves on, things break down as we make mistakes. This is the ‘letdown’ every person experiences because of sin. For Christians this concept doesn’t end there because we realize God’s ‘beautiful’ mercy and grace restores the order in our lives.” -Jon Foreman