Saturday, April 28, 2012

"Noodles are the Keys to Success"

When you have the life of a 6th grade LA teacher, you will hear All. Kinds. Of. Things. Some things I hear, make me laugh so hard I start crying. Other things, I'm just thinking, "What in the world?". However, I love what I do, and the people I work with every day make life so wonderful! These are just a few things I have heard this week alone, some from students and some from college friends......

My favorite quotes of the week:

#1-To his fill in drummer of the band: "Yeah, I'm talking to my friend Ashley Thomas, yeah...she's so awesome if she were a firework, she'd be the most brightest, biggest, and most beautifullest one that lit up the sky" -Isaac Vigil.

#2-Student:"Ms. Thomas, I can't say 'stastistics'".
Me: "Yes you can...say 'sta-tis-tics'...go..
Student: :"Sta-stistics"
Me: "Now say it five times fast"

#3-Me: If you need a No. 2 pencil, please tell me now...
Student: Wait, I have a No. 3 pencil (I'm thinking, "are there really such things as No. 3 pencils?")
Other student: Whaaattt??? Oh wait, he sure does Miss.

#4-"Statistics show the ThomaSneed show is boring, yeah...that's what you would say in an ALTERNATIVE universe!"

#5-"So, your car totally made me change my mind about Mustangs, I want your car...wana sell it?!!!"
               -Sears dude that changed my oil.

#6-"Hey Ms. Thomas guess what?... my dad caught a dolphin, the fish kind not the kind that goes hehehehe" (I'm like "Thanks for the clarification")

#7-"Over Spring Break, my friends and I wrote songs....However, I cannot verify these songs because we haven't make them ready for the republic yet."

#7(Setting: in the middle of the road, right beside a pasture)
-Meredith: "Look at da baby cows...Hey wittle cows, how areshu? Ur so cute yes you are, yesss you are"..........

#8-Student doing a dance yelling at the top of his lungs: "It'sss calleddd the Calllifforrrniaaa Shhhufffflleee"

#9-"Ms. Thomas, it's really dark the world gona end?" -Student

#10-Me to my student: "Did you really just take that popsicle in the bathroom with you?.....Really?"
 Student: "uhh, yeahh"
Im thinking, "What in the world?"

ThomaSneed Episode 7:
EOG test tips--
#11-"Noodles are the keys to success"

#12-"Absolutely...mmm yeah"

#13-"EOG test tip #1 is to breathe in 7.38276953 times deeply before taking the EOG"

#14-"A good breakfast to eat before EOG's is oatmeal............with noodles and maple syrup".

#15-"Never lay your head down during an EOG...if you do, you brain will completely cut off, therefore you will not be able to finish the EOG"

#16-"Breathing 7.38869392 times before the EOG, will help you get a 3.782873821 on the EOG"

All of the past 6 quotes comes from the beginning of the episode below! Chek it!

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