Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ultimately UNCP

Since all the college graduations happening, I have been thinking about the road that led me to my very own college graduation. Folks, it was not an easy task. Some days were the best days ever, while others just made me cry. My last semester at UNCP was full of student teaching in Red Springs with amazing 4th graders and a CARE matrix and teacher candidate work samples. I also had a job as an RA in Oak Hall. Overwhelming at times....yes. Best times of my life...YES!! However, it was the people that I had in my life surrounding me that helped me get through it!

Now I would like to share with you my top 10 craziest memories about my four years at UNCP:

1. On move in day, first day of my college life, a girl by the exact same name as me moved into my room in Belk Hall by accident. When I was ready to move in, she was no where to be found. Therefore, extremely delaying my move in process.

2. Fire alarms at 3am are always an enjoyment. It is a time to gather with your fellow dorm peers and discuss how much sleep you are going to get before your epic exam in the morning. WARNING: when you are an RA, and you have 300+ residents coming at you to get outside for a early morning fire drill, watch out...cuz they will NOT be happy! 

3. Becoming an RA. An application and two interviews later, I was an RA on 1st floor of Oak Hall. Honors College students! Was it a learning experience for me? Absolutely! I learned so much about relationships, how to talk to people, bulletin boards, remaining calm in emergency situations, dealing with Nerf gun wars/soccer showdowns, CPR, fire safety, and First Aid certified. All of this helps me in my teaching profession today! I also met one of my best friends Elizabeth Menzel! She was an awesome RA that helped me through a lot!!

4. Teaching my good friend Dre how to play the piano. A learning experience for BOTH of us!

5. The very moment in "Elementary Music" class that I realized, "Huh, this teaching stuff if pretty fun...I now know for a fact I chose the right major". "I have a chance to be creative, express my self, and teach all at the same time....AWESOME!"

6. Teaching my "Elementary PE" class how to play kickball relay! It was pretty legit, if I must say so myself.

7. Putting on a program for our residence hall called, "Nacho Average Program" where we watched "Nacho Libre" and had nachos, and decorated with all kinds of coolness. Tons of residents showed up! Success! I also put on another program called "Earth Day Pot Party" were we planted plants, and painted flower pots. Although some people doubted it would be a success, it was indeed!

8. Nicholas Sparks Movie Day with the girls: Elizabeth, Bethany, and Stephanie! Total girl stuff, painting nails, Nick Spark movies, etc.

9. Watching my friends/residents play baseball, soccer, and football. They would always ask me to come to their games!!

10. Graduation day! I will never forget I was just about to walk across stage I looked out to the crowd one last time and saw my friend K. Bacon waving at me! He wasn't coming to graduation himself until I convinced him to be there, dress blues and all!

**Extras: Going to church at Barea Baptist the weekends I was on duty!

I have been asked many time, "Do you ever regret not going to college anywhere else?" And to that, my answer is NO! I loved UNCP! I had four totally awesome years down there, and met some pretty amazing people! I have friends, that are from Germany, the Netherlands, Guatemala, etc. Really miss my Pembroke Peeps!

Quotes of the Day:
-Stress relieving song for me today: "OH GRAVITY, why can't we seem to keep it together?"
-“There are things in life that are bigger than ourselves. Life is short, live it well.” Jerome Fontamillas

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