Things to remember when teaching 6th grade:
*These are things I learned just yesterday, that I thought I would share with the world of middle school teachers!
1. Pray before reading scary reading passages.
Story: With my 6th grade students we always ask them to use RUNS strategies when taking a reading comprehension test: R: Read the questions first, U: Underline key words, N: Number the paragraphs, and S: Select the best answer.
So...I asked a boy to read the R.L. Stine reading passage today in class, so he started to read as asked. Then I interrupted him by saying, "WAITTT", really loud. I then said, "We totally forgot to do something first" (which would be read the questions first). The boy that had now stopped reading said, "Ohh I know...We forgot to pray first". It was quite hilarious at the moment, but how true that is in our Christian lives. We often forget to pray and ask the Lord's guidance about the simplest things in life before doing them. The boy then precedes to tell me that he prays everytime before reading scary stories. I learn so much from my students...even spiritually!
2. Know the military's flight schedule before taking your class outside to read a book.
Story: I took my classes outside to read a very serious/heart felt book on Holocaust survivors. In the middle of our seriousness, the military flies their really loud planes over our school. My teacher "wing it at the last minute" mind thought..."here's a teaching moment". Therefore, this is what I tell them, "These planes are flying over your school in order for you to get the full effect of how it sounded in Germany when the Holocaust was taking place"... "The military is doing this for you so you can use your senses and feel and hear this real life effect". Now, they are 6th graders so some of them believed me while some of them didn't.
3. Statistics show that 98% of faculty and staff at SWRMS put on turn signals before entering a parking place.
Story: A co-worker of mine randomly took a poll (while we were on an important mission) on how many staff members actually do this, after another co-worker actually did do this in real life.
4. Contrary to popular belief, when Fox 8 News comes to your school, they're not there to interview the hosts of the ThomaSneed Show.
Story: Fox 8 came to SWRMS today (I first was a little worried they were there to interview Meredith and I, the host of the ThomaSneed Show...the newest and hottest YouTube sensation). Anyway, I had to tell my students to act normal and get in line. However, they wanted to be seen so....yeah.
Above is the actual video. I am seen in it with my students walking up the hall from lunch.
Telling personal stories about your Mustang going 0-80 in about half a second will get the students engaged and quiet 100%.
Story: We were discussing hyperboles. As you know, hyperboles are over exaggerations and obviously it is not possibly to go 0-80 in .5 seconds. However, MY students think it's possible (in my car); therefore, discontinuing the theory of hyperbole with this statement. I told them it could only have a possible chance of happening with nitrous boost, but I won't go into that story.
Oh and 6. Statistics show that 100% of all teachers in the entire world (including the US, and NC) are ready for Spring Break!
Needless to say, I LOVE what I do!
I also enjoyed revival this week! It was such a blessing!
Quotes of the Day:
“It’s a strange book and I’m inside it. So I’m trying to pin down the details about the the plot in this book. The one where I’m the protagonist in a plot much larger than I am. A book that I can’t simply put down when I’m frustrated. With no bookmark, no remote control. The pages write themselves with very little effort of my own. And yet I’m in there. I’m written into the book.” -J Foreman
“If we spend our time obsessing with the future or regretting the past, then we will never live. Tomorrow will always be tomorrow and yesterday cannot be changed.” -J Foreman
“Well, the funny thing is, you are never the same person that you were the day before.” -J Foreman